
Ready-mix concrete vs site concrete

Reasons why ready-mix concrete is better than site concrete

Las ollas revolvedoras junto con las bombas de concreto pueden proporcionar acceso a prácticamente todos los elementos de construcción a los que se puede llegar manualmente. (Lueste)

Concrete is the most used construction material on the planet. It is made from a variety of natural ingredients, plus it is considered eco-friendly and recyclable. It consists of three components: water, aggregates and cement.

Why is a good concrete mix essential?

A quality concrete mix can provide a reliable foundation for a solid infrastructure. It usually involves some level of preparation, where the mixing of materials helps to increase the required strength and durability of the concrete structure.

Because each ingredient in a concrete mix has several unique properties, developing a quality concrete mix can be challenging for you. All components must first be tested to determine the actual physical properties of their materials.

Key properties of concrete mixes

Concrete mixes resemble an excellent recipe. In addition to the three important components of concrete, it is also made of other chemical additives or cementitious materials. 

Concrete mixes also need to have some chemical component to speed up, slow down, or improve workability. With the help of chemicals, a concrete mix can effortlessly reduce its water content and increase its strength.

Therefore, choosing the perfect concrete mix is ​​a critical task that must take into account placement requirements and total cost. A quality concrete mix will give you a complete product and great aesthetics.

In addition, a good concrete mix should take into account the following factors

  • Water/cement ratio: Defined as the ratio and balance between the weight of cement and the water added to the mix. These properties have a linear and direct relationship with the general resistance of the mix.
  • Heat release: The concrete mix must also take into account the heat released by different chemical reactions. This will make the mixture fade a bit without cracking.
  • Grade Designation: The strength of concrete must be measured by testing. Ideally, these tests are done after the curing process. Choosing the right grade of concrete depends on its purpose.
  • Aggregate Size: All types of aggregate must be graded for quality before use. These aggregates are key components of all types of concrete mixes, often depending on the physical properties required for their structural design.
  • Workability: The overall workability of a concrete mix is ​​an important attribute that helps determine its ability to consolidate and place properly. This allows the product to be completed without segregating it.
  • Consistency: This property helps identify the properties of your concrete mix and flow. Settlement ideally measures this characteristic. The more settlement value you have, the more manageable and the higher your mobility.
  • Density: Concrete mixes can also be classified into various applications such as counterweight, radiation shielding, insulation, and strength. Density is one of the most critical properties of concrete mixes and the most sought after.
  • Durability: A good quality concrete mix will give you a concrete that can withstand extreme weather conditions and frequent changes without showing signs of deterioration. The more durable it is, the more resistant to climate change such as humidity, heating and freezing.
Ready-mix concrete vs. Construction concrete.

There are several factors to consider when comparing these two types of concrete. These factors include equipment, timing, distribution, waste, recommended application, storage equipment, quality, labor, and other important considerations.

Ready-mix concrete

Ready-mix concrete is ideally made in a factory and delivered to the job site in an unhardened or plastic state, ready to use. This type of concrete is ideally expressed in cubic meters and is sold to customers by volume. Ready-mix concrete ensures greater durability and sustainability. Since most of the work is done by specialized vendors, mixing is usually larger and often more precise.

Site concrete

As its name indicates, this type of concrete is usually prepared on site. The mix of this type of concrete has several components and must be mixed in specific proportions to achieve the desired strength.

This particular method requires the use of a formula to determine the total number of steps and the amount of material you need to purchase to get the desired consistency. You must be meticulous with the proportions of the materials and be careful not to conflict with the quality of your structure.

Despite rising costs, ready-mix concrete is often the best option for most construction projects. An important factor is the location of the project, as shipping requirements will determine which type of concrete is best suited for your project.

Additionally, professionals will often recommend ready-mix concrete for larger projects that require higher volumes.

Our Lueste professionals will help you with all your concrete needs, as well as construction services for all types of projects. We have a team of experts who can provide you with high-quality wall mixes suitable for your project. We serve CDMX. Call +52 (55) 5598-9348 or contact us online.